
How does Hydra-Shield work?

Explore in detail how Hydra-Shield works to effectively filter DDoS attacks.

Hydra-Shield relies on a reverse proxy model that provides multi-layered protection for your online infrastructure. Here's how it works:

Filtering servers: All incoming requests first pass through Hydra-Shield's filtering servers. These servers conduct a thorough examination of each request, assessing their legitimacy and security.

Browser testing: Hydra-Shield then subjects each request to a series of security tests to verify if the browser behaves in accordance with expected standards. It immediately blocks suspicious behaviors.

Artificial intelligence: Hydra-Shield has implemented advanced AI that is constantly trained to detect and block DDoS attacks in real-time. The AI analyzes traffic, detects anomalies, and proactively blocks attacks.

With this combination of filtering servers, browser tests, and artificial intelligence, Hydra-Shield can filter DDoS attacks by specifically targeting malicious behaviors, while allowing legitimate traffic to pass without interruption.


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